
Bank account
Customer data verification
Free of charge
Initial KYC Check-Up
Current / Accumulative account opening
Free of charge
Current / Accumulative account maintenance
5 € / month, for each account
Safeguarding / Segregated / Correspondent account opening
Safeguarding / Segregated / Correspondent account maintenance
Account closure
Free of charge
Bank statement prepared by a bank employee
5 € for one month's statement
Euro balance fee
Free of charge
Other currencies balance fee
0.03 € per day per 1.000 €
Balance fee, when the customer does not transfer funds to other accounts after the end of the business relationship
0.01 € per day per 1.000 €, (min 5 €)
Outgoing payments
Via the Internet
At the Bank
Internal payment
Free of charge
2 €
SEPA payment
0,40 €
2 €
SWIFT payment
20 €
20 €
Incoming payments
Via the Internet
At the Bank
Internal payment
Free of charge
Free of charge
SEPA payment
Free of charge
Free of charge
SWIFT payment
0.10 % (min 5 €, max 15 €)
0.10 % (min 5 €, max 15 €)
Credit agreement conclusion fee
1.00 % of credit amount, min 500 €
Credit agreement amendment fee
From 0.50 % of credit amount, min 500 €
Change of loan monthly repayment date
50 €
Commitment fee
From 1.00 % of undisbursed credit amount
Lending project analysis and evaluation
From 0.50 % of credit amount, min 250 €
Real estate and/or other collateral inspectation by the bank
100 €
Valuation of real estate by the Bank:
Real estate of one property unit (apartment, premises, land)
100 €
Real estate of more than one property units (apartament/private house/premises/land with other belongings)
150 €
Movable property unit (office and/or household appliances, machines, equipment, vehicles)
50 €
The production or technological line of the movable property complex
100 €
Early repayment
1.00 % of the repaid credit amount, min 500 €
1.00 % of the repaid credit amount, min 500 €
Credit agreement maintenance
20 € / month
Credit disbursement fee
20 €
Other fees:
Issuance of any type of letters/consents
From 200 €
Sending a letter of default in the case of loans for business purposes
40 €
Release of mortgage/pledge
50 €
Issuance of guarantee
From 0,50 % of guarantee amount, min 500 €
Interest on late payments
0,10 % per day
Leasing agreement preparation fee
1,00 % of the financed amount, min 350 €
Leasing limit project analysis and evaluation
1,00 % of the considered limit, min. 1 000 €
Leasing agreement amendment fee
From 0,50 % of the residual value, min 350 €
Change of leasing monthly repayment date
50 €
Commitment fee
From 1,00 % of undisbursed financed amount
Valuation of the financed property by the Bank
100 €
Early repayment
1,00 % of the repaid amount, min 350 €
Fee for the preparation of an agreement on the conditional pledge of the property or a tripartite agreement on the redemption of assets / Debt transfer agreement
1,00 % of the residual value, min 500 €
Other fees:
Fee for permission for sublease, subrent, use
100 €
Issuance of any type of letters/consents
50 €
Sending a letter of default in the case of leasing
40 €
Administration of administrative penalty documents or other documents received on behalf of the client
50 €
Interest on late payments
0,10 % per day
Other services
A significant change in the company's information, such as the ownership structure, has occurred
Free of charge
Refund of incoming payment at customer's request
50 €
Refund of outgoing payment
50 €
Payment cancellation, adjustment or fulfillment investigation
50 € + payee's payment service provider / bank correspondent fees
Forced write-off
2 €
Payment investigation (encompassing data analysis, examination of submitted documents, and more)
Free of charge
Copy of credit transfer
15 €
Issuance of a letter of confirmation of the Safeguarding account to a financial institution
Confirmation letter of an Accumulative account
100 €
Issuing a letter of intent to a financial institution
Other certificates and letters for daily banking services
100 €

A legal entity established in the Republic of Lithuania, with its ultimate beneficiaries, owners, and controlling persons being residents of the Republic of Lithuania, is categorized as a resident of the Republic of Lithuania.

A legal entity established abroad and/or having ultimate beneficiaries, owners, and/or controlling persons who are residents of foreign countries is classified as a non-resident.
For customers of legal entities primarily engaged in activities such as gambling, currency exchange, cryptocurrency trading, or other high-risk activities as defined by the bank’s internal procedures, the fees applicable to non-residents and financial institutions are imposed.

Bank account
Customer data verification
From 1 000 €
Initial KYC Check-Up
From 1 000 €
Current / Accumulative account opening
500 € for each account
Current / Accumulative account maintenance
70 € / month, for each account
Safeguarding / Segregated / Correspondent account opening
500 € for each account
Safeguarding / Segregated / Correspondent account maintenance
200 € / month, for each account
Account closure
100 € for each account
Bank statement prepared by a bank employee
5 € for one month's statement
Euro balance fee
0.01 - 100,000.00 €
0.03 € per day per 1.000 €
100,000.01 - 1,000,000.00 €
0.05 € per day per 1.000 €
1,000,000.01 - 3,000,000.00 €
0.06 € per day per 1.000 €
3,000,000.00 € +
0.08 € per day per 1.000 €
Other currencies balance fee
0.01 - 100,000.00 €
0.05 € per day per 1.000 €
100,000.00 € +
0.15 € per day per 1.000 €
Balance fee, when the customer does not transfer funds to other accounts after the end of the business relationship
0.01 € per day per 1.000 €, (min 5 €)
Outgoing payments
Via the Internet
At the Bank
Internal payment
Free of charge
2 €
SEPA payment
1 €
2 €
SWIFT payment
30 €
30 €
Correspondent payment
Individual pricing will be applied
Incoming payments
Via the Internet
At the Bank
Internal payment
Free of charge
Free of charge
SEPA payment
0,6 €
0,6 €
SWIFT payment
0.10 % (min 5 €, max 15 €)
0.10 % (min 5 €, max 15 €)
Correspondent payment
Individual pricing will be applied
Credit agreement conclusion fee
1.00 % of credit amount, min 500 €
Credit agreement amendment fee
From 0.50 % of credit amount, min 500 €
Change of loan monthly repayment date
50 €
Commitment fee
From 1.00 % of undisbursed credit amount
Lending project analysis and evaluation
From 0.50 % of credit amount, min 250 €
Real estate and/or other collateral inspectation by the bank
100 €
Valuation of real estate by the Bank:
Real estate of one property unit (apartment, premises, land)
100 €
Real estate of more than one property units (apartament/private house/premises/land with other belongings)
150 €
Movable property unit (office and/or household appliances, machines, equipment, vehicles)
50 €
The production or technological line of the movable property complex
100 €
Early repayment
1.00 % of the repaid credit amount, min 500 €
1.00 % of the repaid credit amount, min 500 €
Credit agreement maintenance
20 € / month
Credit disbursement fee
20 €
Other fees:
Issuance of any type of letters/consents
From 200 €
Sending a letter of default in the case of loans for business purposes
40 €
Release of mortgage/pledge
50 €
Issuance of guarantee
From 0,50 % of guarantee amount, min 500 €
Interest on late payments
0,10 % per day
Leasing limit project analysis and evaluation
1,00 % of the considered limit, min. 1 000 €
Leasing agreement preparation fee
1,00 % of the financed amount, min 350 €
Leasing agreement amendment fee
From 0,50 % of the residual value, min 350 €
Change of leasing monthly repayment date
50 €
Commitment fee
From 1,00 % of undisbursed financed amount
Valuation of the financed property by the Bank
100 €
Early repayment
1,00 % of the repaid amount, min 350 €
Fee for the preparation of an agreement on the conditional pledge of the property or a tripartite agreement on the redemption of assets / Debt transfer agreement
1,00 % of the residual value, min 500 €
Other fees:
Fee for permission for sublease, subrent, use
100 €
Issuance of any type of letters/consents
50 €
Sending a letter of default in the case of leasing
40 €
Administration of administrative penalty documents or other documents received on behalf of the client
50 €
Interest on late payments
0,10 % per day
Other services
A significant change in the company's information, such as the ownership structure, has occurred
200 €
Refund of incoming payment at customer's request
50 €
Refund of outgoing payment
50 €
Payment cancellation, adjustment or fulfillment investigation
50 € + payee's payment service provider / bank correspondent fees
Forced write-off
2 €
Payment investigation (encompassing data analysis, examination of submitted documents, and more)
1,00 % (min. 500 €)
Copy of credit transfer
15 €
Issuance of a letter of confirmation of the Safeguarding account to a financial institution
500 €
Confirmation letter of an Accumulative account
100 €
Issuing a letter of intent to a financial institution
100 €
Other certificates and letters for daily banking services
100 €

A legal entity established in the Republic of Lithuania, with its ultimate beneficiaries, owners, and controlling persons being residents of the Republic of Lithuania, is categorized as a resident of the Republic of Lithuania.

A legal entity established abroad and/or having ultimate beneficiaries, owners, and/or controlling persons who are residents of foreign countries is classified as a non-resident.
For customers of legal entities primarily engaged in activities such as gambling, currency exchange, cryptocurrency trading, or other high-risk activities as defined by the bank’s internal procedures, the fees applicable to non-residents and financial institutions are imposed.


Bank Account
Account opening
Free of charge
Customer data verification
Free of charge
Account maintenance
Free of charge
Account closure
Free of charge
Account statement prepared by a bank employee
5 € for one month's statement
EUR balance fee
Free of charge
Other currencies balance fee
0.03 € per day per 1.000 €
Inactive account maintenance
1 € / month, for each / any type of account
Outgoing payments
Via the Internet
At the Bank
Internal payment
Free of charge
2 €
SEPA payment
Free of charge
2 €
SWIFT payment
20 €
20 €
Incoming payments
Via the Internet
At the Bank
Internal payment
Free of charge
Free of charge
SEPA payment
Free of charge
Free of charge
SWIFT payment
0.10 % (min 5 €, max 15 €)
0.10 % (min 5 €, max 15 €)
Mortgage Loans Secured by Real Estate
Credit agreement conclusion fee
1.00 % of credit amount, min 300 €
Credit agreement amendment fee:
In case the customer faces payment difficulties
100 €
In case of other reasons
From 0.50 % of credit amount, min 200 €
Change of loan monthly repayment date:
Once in a calendar year
Free of charge
As of the second and following change in one calendar year
30 €
Commitment fee:
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
From 0.60% of undisbursed credit amount
In the case of loans for business purposes
From 1.00% of undisbursed credit amount
Real estate and/or other collateral inspectation by the bank
100 €
Valuation of real estate by the Bank:
Real estate of one property unit (apartment, premises, land)
50 €
Real estate of more than one property units (apartament/private house/premises/land with other belongings)
80 €
Movable property unit (office and/or household appliances, machines, equipment, vehicles)
20 €
The production or technological line of the movable property complex
80 €
Consent to subordinated pledge:
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
Min 150 €
In the case of loans for business purposes
Min 250 €
Early repayment:
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
Free of charge on the day of changing the variable interest rate; on other days, a compensation fee will be applicable as determined by legislation, not exceeding 3.00% of the repaid credit amount
In the case of loans for business purposes
1.00% of the repaid credit amount, min 200 €
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
Free of charge on the day of changing the variable interest rate; on other days, a compensation fee will be applicable as determined by legislation, not exceeding 3.00% of the repaid credit amount
In the case of loans for business purposes
1.00% of the repaid credit amount, min 300 €
Credit agreement maintenance
5 € / month
Other fees:
Issuance of any type of letters/consents
40 €
Sending a letter of default in the case of loans for business purposes
40 €
Release of mortgage/pledge
50 €
Interest on late payments:
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
Max 0.05 % per day
In the case of loans for business purposes
0,10 % per day
Consumer Loan
Credit agreement conclusion fee
Free of charge
Credit agreement maintenance
7 € / month
Credit agreement amendment fee
From 30 €
Early repayment fee
Free of charge
Change of loans monthly repayment date
30 €
Interest on late payments
Max 0.05 % per day
Leasing agreement preparation fee
From 1,00 % of the financed amount, min. 200 €
Leasing agreement amendment fee
From 100 €
Change of leasing monthly repayment date
30 €
Commitment fee
Not applicable
Valuation of the financed property by the Bank
100 €
Early repayment
Not applicable
Fee for the preparation of an agreement on the conditional pledge of the property or a tripartite agreement on the redemption of assets / Debt transfer agreement
1,00 % of the residual value, min 200 €
Leasing agreement maintenance
0 Eur
Other fees:
Fee for permission for sublease, subrent, use
30 €
Issuance of any type of letters/consents
20 €
Administration of administrative penalty documents or other documents received on behalf of the client
10 €
Interest on late payments
0,05 % per day
Other Services
Refund of incoming payment at customer's request
50 €
Refund of outgoing payment
50 €
Payment cancellation, adjustment or fulfillment investigation
50 € + payee's payment service provider / bank correspondent fees
Forced write-off
2 €
Payment investigation (encompassing data analysis, examination of submitted documents, and more)
Free of charge
Copy of credit transfer
15 €
Issuance of certificate for declaration of income and assets
Free of charge
Issuance of other certificates, approvals and letters related to the provision of day-to-day services
50 €

A resident of the Republic of Lithuania is considered to be a person who has a personal identity document issued by the Republic of Lithuania and whose permanent residence is in Lithuania. It also includes a person who has a personal identity document issued by a country other than the Republic of Lithuania but lives in Lithuania and possesses a document issued by the Republic of Lithuania granting the right to temporarily or permanently reside in Lithuania.

A non-resident is a person who does not have a valid personal identity document in the Republic of Lithuania, including a document granting the right to temporarily or permanently reside in Lithuania, and whose permanent place of residence is in a foreign country.

Bank Account
Account opening
100 € for each / any type of account
Customer data verification
200 €
Account maintenance
5 € / month, for each / any type of account
Account closure
Free of charge
Bank statement prepared by a bank employee
5 € for one month's statement
EUR balance fee
Free of charge
Other currencies balance fee
0.03 € per day per 1.000 €
Inactive account maintenance
1 € / month, for each / any type of account
Outgoing payments
Via the Internet
At the Bank
Internal payment
Free of charge
2 €
SEPA payment
1 €
2 €
SWIFT payment
20 €
20 €
Incoming payments
Via the Internet
At the Bank
Internal payment
Free of charge
Free of charge
SEPA payment
Free of charge
Free of charge
SWIFT payment
0.10 % (min 5 €, max 15 €)
0.10 % (min 5 €, max 15 €)
Mortgage Loans Secured by Real Estate
Credit agreement conclusion fee
1.00 % of credit amount, min 300 €
Credit agreement amendment fee:
In case the customer faces payment difficulties
100 €
In case of other reasons
From 0.50 % of credit amount, min 200 €
Change of loan monthly repayment date:
Once in a calendar year
Free of charge
As of the second and following change in one calendar year
30 €
Commitment fee:
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
From 0.60% of undisbursed credit amount
In the case of loans for business purposes
From 1.00% of undisbursed credit amount
Real estate and/or other collateral inspectation by the bank
100 €
Valuation of real estate by the Bank:
Real estate of one property unit (apartment, premises, land)
50 €
Real estate of more than one property units (apartament/private house/premises/land with other belongings)
80 €
Movable property unit (office and/or household appliances, machines, equipment, vehicles)
20 €
The production or technological line of the movable property complex
80 €
Consent to subordinated pledge:
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
Min 150 €
in the case of loans for business purposes
Min 250 €
Early repayment:
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
Free of charge on the day of changing the variable interest rate; on other days, a compensation fee will be applicable as determined by legislation, not exceeding 3.00% of the repaid credit amount
In the case of loans for business purposes
1.00% of the repaid credit amount, min 200 €
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
Free of charge on the day of changing the variable interest rate; on other days, a compensation fee will be applicable as determined by legislation, not exceeding 3.00% of the repaid credit amount
In the case of loans for business purposes
1.00% of the repaid credit amount, min 300 €
Credit agreement maintenance
5 € / month
Other fees:
Issuance of any type of letters/consents
40 €
Sending a letter of default in the case of loans for business purposes
40 €
Release of mortgage/pledge
50 €
Interest on late payments:
In the case of loans for personal / household purposes
Max 0.05 % per day
In the case of loans for business purposes
0,10 % per day
Consumer Loan
Credit agreement conclusion fee
Free of charge
Credit agreement maintenance
7 € / month
Credit agreement amendment fee
From 30 €
Early repayment fee
Free of charge
Change of loans monthly repayment date
30 €
Interest on late payments
Max 0.05 % per day
Leasing agreement preparation fee
From 1,00 % of the financed amount, min. 200 €
Leasing agreement amendment fee
From 100 €
Change of leasing monthly repayment date
30 €
Commitment fee
Not applicable
Valuation of the financed property by the Bank
100 €
Early repayment
Not applicable
Fee for the preparation of an agreement on the conditional pledge of the property or a tripartite agreement on the redemption of assets / Debt transfer agreement
1,00 % of the residual value, min 200 €
Leasing agreement maintenance
0 Eur
Other fees:
Fee for permission for sublease, subrent, use
30 €
Issuance of any type of letters/consents
20 €
Administration of administrative penalty documents or other documents received on behalf of the client
10 €
Interest on late payments
0,05 % per day
Other Services
Refund of incoming payment at customer's request
50 €
Refund of outgoing payment
50 €
Payment cancellation, adjustment or fulfillment investigation
50 € + payee's payment service provider / bank correspondent fees
Forced write-off
2 €
Payment investigation (encompassing data analysis, examination of submitted documents, and more)
1,00 % (min 500 €)
Copy of credit transfer
15 €
Issuance of certificate for declaration of income and assets
Free of charge
Issuance of other certificates, approvals and letters related to the provision of day-to-day services
50 €

A resident of the Republic of Lithuania is considered to be a person who has a personal identity document issued by the Republic of Lithuania and whose permanent residence is in Lithuania. It also includes a person who has a personal identity document issued by a country other than the Republic of Lithuania but lives in Lithuania and possesses a document issued by the Republic of Lithuania granting the right to temporarily or permanently reside in Lithuania.

A non-resident is a person who does not have a valid personal identity document in the Republic of Lithuania, including a document granting the right to temporarily or permanently reside in Lithuania, and whose permanent place of residence is in a foreign country.